Getting Started

Understanding Prezet's Configuration File

The configuration file is published as part of the package's installation command, but you can manually publish or re-publish it at any time by running:

1php artisan vendor:publish --provider="BenBjurstrom\Prezet\PrezetServiceProvider" --tag=prezet-config

After installation or re-publication, the config/prezet.php file will look like this:

3return [
4 /*
5 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 | Filesystem Configuration
7 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 |
9 | This setting determines the filesystem disk used by Prezet to store and
10 | retrieve markdown files and images. By default, it uses the 'prezet' disk.
11 |
12 */
14 'filesystem' => [
15 'disk' => env('PREZET_FILESYSTEM_DISK', 'prezet'),
16 ],
18 /*
19 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 | Slug Configuration
21 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 |
23 | Configure how document slugs are generated. The source can be 'filepath'
24 | or 'title'. Note that a slug defined in front matter will take precedence
25 | over the generated slug. When 'keyed' is true, the key present in the
26 | front matter key will be appended to the slug (e.g., my-post-123).
27 |
28 */
30 'slug' => [
31 'source' => 'filepath', // 'filepath' or 'title'
32 'keyed' => false, // 'true' or 'false'
33 ],
35 /*
36 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 | CommonMark
38 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 |
40 | Configure the CommonMark Markdown parser. You can specify the extensions
41 | to be used and their configuration. Extensions are added in the order
42 | they are listed.
43 |
44 */
46 'commonmark' => [
48 'extensions' => [
49 League\CommonMark\Extension\CommonMark\CommonMarkCoreExtension::class,
50 League\CommonMark\Extension\HeadingPermalink\HeadingPermalinkExtension::class,
51 League\CommonMark\Extension\ExternalLink\ExternalLinkExtension::class,
52 League\CommonMark\Extension\FrontMatter\FrontMatterExtension::class,
53 BenBjurstrom\Prezet\Extensions\MarkdownBladeExtension::class,
54 BenBjurstrom\Prezet\Extensions\MarkdownImageExtension::class,
55 ],
57 'config' => [
58 'heading_permalink' => [
59 'html_class' => 'prezet-heading',
60 'id_prefix' => 'content',
61 'apply_id_to_heading' => false,
62 'heading_class' => '',
63 'fragment_prefix' => 'content',
64 'insert' => 'before',
65 'min_heading_level' => 2,
66 'max_heading_level' => 3,
67 'title' => 'Permalink',
68 'symbol' => '#',
69 'aria_hidden' => false,
70 ],
71 'external_link' => [
72 'internal_hosts' => '', // Don't forget to set this!
73 'open_in_new_window' => true,
74 'html_class' => 'external-link',
75 'nofollow' => 'external',
76 'noopener' => 'external',
77 'noreferrer' => 'external',
78 ],
79 ],
80 ],
82 /*
83 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
84 | Images
85 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
86 |
87 | Configure how image tags are handled when converting from markdown.
88 | 'widths' defines the various widths for responsive images,
89 | while 'sizes' indicates the sizes attribute.
90 | Set 'zoomable' to true to enable Alpine-driven zoom on click.
91 */
93 'image' => [
95 'widths' => [
96 480, 640, 768, 960, 1536,
97 ],
99 'sizes' => '92vw, (max-width: 1024px) 92vw, 768px',
101 'zoomable' => true,
102 ],
104 /*
105 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
106 | Sitemap
107 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
108 | The sitemap origin is used to generate absolute URLs in your sitemap.
109 | An origin consists of a scheme/host/port combination, but no path.
110 | (e.g.,
111 |
112 */
114 'sitemap' => [
115 'origin' => env('PREZET_SITEMAP_ORIGIN', env('APP_URL')),
116 ],
118 /*
119 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
120 | Metadata
121 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
122 |
123 | Prezet uses these values for JSON-LD structured data. 'authors' defines
124 | named authors you can reference in front matter, and 'publisher' is used
125 | as the default publisher for all content.
126 |
127 */
129 /*
130 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
131 | Structured Data
132 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
133 |
134 | Prezet uses these values for JSON-LD structured data. 'authors' defines
135 | named authors you can reference in front matter, and 'publisher' is used
136 | as the default publisher for all content.
137 |
138 */
140 //
141 'authors' => [
142 'prezet' => [
143 '@type' => 'Person',
144 'name' => 'Prezet Author',
145 'url' => '',
146 'image' => '',
147 ],
148 ],
150 //
151 'publisher' => [
152 '@type' => 'Organization',
153 'name' => 'Prezet',
154 'url' => '',
155 'logo' => '',
156 'image' => '',
157 ],

#Filesystem Configuration

By default, Prezet uses the 'prezet' disk for reading and storing markdown files. You can change this by updating the PREZET_FILESYSTEM_DISK environment variable or directly editing the filesystem array above.

#Slug Configuration

The 'slug' array controls how document URLs are generated:

  • source: Determines how the base slug is generated
    • 'filepath': Uses the markdown file's path (default)
    • 'title': Uses the document's title from front matter
  • keyed: When true, appends the front matter key to the slug (e.g., my-post-123)

Note that a slug defined in front matter will always take precedence over these generated slugs.

#CommonMark Configuration

Prezet uses league/commonmark for markdown parsing. In the 'commonmark' array, you can:

  • Define the extensions array to add or remove functionality (e.g., HeadingPermalinkExtension, ExternalLinkExtension, etc.).
  • Provide a 'config' array with per-extension options, like the heading_permalink or external_link keys shown above.

#HeadingPermalinkExtension Options

For example, if you enable the HeadingPermalinkExtension:

1'heading_permalink' => [
2 'html_class' => 'mr-2 scroll-mt-12',
3 'id_prefix' => 'content',
4 'apply_id_to_heading' => false,
5 'heading_class' => '',
6 'fragment_prefix' => 'content',
7 'insert' => 'before',
8 'min_heading_level' => 2,
9 'max_heading_level' => 3,
10 'title' => 'Permalink',
11 'symbol' => '#',
12 'aria_hidden' => true,

the extension will automatically insert permalink anchors for headings in your rendered HTML.

#Image Optimization

The 'image' array controls how inline markdown images are transformed:

  • widths: Defines the widths used in srcset.
  • sizes: Specifies the sizes attribute for responsive images.
  • zoomable: Enables an Alpine-based zoom feature on click.

See Optimized Images for details on how Prezet automatically generates multiple responsive image URLs and updates your markdown output to reference them.

#Metadata (JSON-LD)

Prezet automatically includes JSON-LD metadata for each document, enhancing its visibility in search engines and social media. This is driven by two arrays:

  • authors: An associative array mapping from an author key in your front matter to a fully-defined object.
  • publisher: The fallback publisher metadata used when the document has no specific publisher or image.

For more on how this is injected into your templates, see the JSON-LD documentation.

#Additional Customizations

Prezet offers various customization options beyond the configuration file. Here are some additional resources for customizing different aspects of Prezet:

These articles will guide you through tailoring Prezet to your specific needs.