Getting Started
Prezet Installation Guide
This guide will walk you through the process of installing Prezet, a powerful markdown blogging package for Laravel. Follow these steps to set up your project and start creating SEO-friendly blogs, articles, and documentation.
#Step 1: Install the Prezet Package
You can install the Prezet package using Composer:
1composer require benbjurstrom/prezet:1.0.0-rc5
#Step 2: Run the Package Installer
Existing Applications
The installation command will overwrite existing vite.config.js and postcss.config.js files. Be sure they're backed up before proceeding.
To run the Prezet installer, execute the following Artisan command:
1php artisan prezet:install
or if you prefer Tailwind v3
1artisan prezet:install --tailwind3
This command will:
- Copy the package configuration file to
- Add the Prezet storage disk to your
- Copy content stubs to your project's root directory
- Publish the vendor blade files
- Copy Tailwind configuration files
- Install necessary Node.js dependencies
#Step 3: Start Your Server
Once the installation is complete, you can start your Laravel development server:
1php artisan serve
After starting your server, you can verify the installation by visiting:
You should now see your new markdown blog powered by Prezet!
#Step 4: Generate the SQLite Index
After installing Prezet and setting up your initial content, it's important to generate the SQLite index. Run the following Artisan command to create and populate the index:
1php artisan prezet:index --fresh
For more information about the SQLite index and its purposes, refer to the Prezet SQLite Index documentation.
#Next Steps
With Prezet installed, you're ready to start creating content and customizing your blog. Check out the other documentation pages to learn more about:
- Writing markdown content
- Using Blade components in your markdown
- Optimizing images
- Customizing routes, front matter, and more
Hope you enjoy blogging with Prezet!