
Working with Images in Prezet

Prezet offers comprehensive image handling capabilities out of the box, enhancing your markdown-based blog with both responsive, efficiently-loaded images and interactive viewing features.

#Zoomable Images

All images in your Prezet blog are automatically enhanced with zoom functionality powered by alpinejs-zoomable. This feature allows readers to click on any image to open a fullscreen view where they can zoom and pan to examine details more closely.

Try it out with this example - click the image below to see the zoomed version where you can better read the configuration details:

Example of a complex configuration file with small text

When you click an image, you'll notice:

  • The image opens in a fullscreen overlay
  • You can zoom in/out using the buttons or mouse wheel
  • You can pan around the zoomed image by dragging
  • The overlay can be closed by clicking outside the image or using the close button

#Disabling Zoomable Images

If you prefer not to have zoomable images, you can disable this feature in your config/prezet.php file:

1'image' => [
2 'widths' => [
3 480, 640, 768, 960, 1536,
4 ],
5 'sizes' => '92vw, (max-width: 1024px) 92vw, 768px',
6 'zoomable' => false, // Disable zoomable images

#Automatic Image Optimization

In addition to zoom functionality, Prezet automatically optimizes your images for the web using responsive loading techniques.

#How Optimization Works

When you include a locally referenced image in your markdown file, Prezet's custom CommonMark extension, MarkdownImageExtension, transforms the standard image tag into a responsive, optimized version.

For example, if your markdown contains:


Prezet will convert this into an HTML tag with responsive image attributes:

2 srcset="
3 /prezet/img/images-20240509210223449-480w.webp 480w,
4 /prezet/img/images-20240509210223449-640w.webp 640w,
5 /prezet/img/images-20240509210223449-768w.webp 768w,
6 /prezet/img/images-20240509210223449-960w.webp 960w,
7 /prezet/img/images-20240509210223449-1536w.webp 1536w
8 "
9 sizes="92vw, (max-width: 1024px) 92vw, 768px"
10 src="/prezet/img/images-20240509210223449.webp"
11 alt=""

This optimization works seamlessly with the zoom functionality - when you open an image in the fullscreen viewer, it automatically loads the highest resolution version from the srcset, ensuring optimal quality for detailed viewing.

#Image Controller

You'll notice that the src and srcset attributes have been modified to point to a package provided route contained in the routes/prezet.php file.

4use BenBjurstrom\Prezet\Http\Controllers\ImageController;
6use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
8Route::get('prezet/img/{path}', ImageController::class)
9 ->name('prezet.image')
10 ->where('path', '.*');

The package's ImageController serves the optimized image based on the requested width and format.

For example, when a browser requests /prezet/img/images-20240509210223449-480w.webp, the controller generates and returns a 480px wide WebP image from the original image file.

This approach ensures that your blog images are served in the most efficient format and size for the user's device, network conditions, and layout requirements.

#The srcset Attribute

The srcset attribute provides the browser with a list of image sources and their respective widths, allowing the browser to choose the most appropriate image based on the device's characteristics and the current layout.

In the example above:

2 /prezet/img/images-20240509210223449-480w.webp 480w,
3 /prezet/img/images-20240509210223449-640w.webp 640w,
4 /prezet/img/images-20240509210223449-768w.webp 768w,
5 /prezet/img/images-20240509210223449-960w.webp 960w,
6 /prezet/img/images-20240509210223449-1536w.webp 1536w

Each entry in the srcset consists of two parts:

  1. The URL of the image source
  2. The intrinsic width of the image in pixels, denoted by the w unit

The browser uses this information, along with the sizes attribute and the device's characteristics (like screen resolution and pixel density), to determine which image to download and display.

By leveraging the srcset attribute, Prezet enables your blog to serve the most appropriate image for each user's device and viewing context; balancing performance and visual quality.

#The sizes Attribute

The sizes attribute tells the browser how wide the image will be displayed at different viewport sizes.

In the example above:

1sizes="92vw, (max-width: 1024px) 92vw, 768px"

Tells the browser that:

  • For viewports up to 1024px wide, the image will occupy 92% of the viewport width.
  • For viewports wider than 1024px, the image will be 768px wide.

This information helps the browser choose the most appropriate image size from the srcset. For a deeper understanding of the sizes attribute, refer to The Definitive Guide to Responsive Images on the Web.


You can customize the image optimization settings in the config/prezet.php file:

1'image' => [
2 'widths' => [
3 480, 640, 768, 960, 1536,
4 ],
5 'sizes' => '92vw, (max-width: 1024px) 92vw, 768px',
6 'zoomable' => true
  • widths: An array of image widths to generate for the srcset.
  • sizes: The sizes attribute to be added to the image tag.

#Disabling Image Optimization

If you wish to disable the automatic image optimization, you can remove the BenBjurstrom\Prezet\Extensions\MarkdownImageExtension::class from the extensions array in the commonmark section of your config/prezet.php file.