
Automating OG Images with Prezet

Open Graph (OG) images are visual previews of your web pages that appear when content is shared on social media platforms. These images can significantly boost engagement and click-through rates.

Here's how this page appears when posted on Threads:

Post by {{$username}}
View on Threads

#Adding OG Images Manually

You can easily specify an OG image for any blog post by adding the image key to your frontmatter:

2title: My Amazing Blog Post
3date: 2024-05-07
4category: Blog
5excerpt: 'This is an excerpt of my amazing blog post.'
6image: '/prezet/img/ogimages/custom-ogimage.png'

The image field should contain the URL path to your image. For more details on using frontmatter in Prezet refer to the frontmatter documentation.

#Automatic OG Image Generation

While manually specifying ogimages gives you full control, Prezet's automatic OG image generation saves time and ensures consistency across your blog.

Puppeteer Requirement

OG image generation relies on the Spatie Browsershot package which in turn requires the Puppeteer Node library.

For more information about the requirements refer to the Browsershot documentation.

#The OgimageCommand

Prezet provides an artisan command to generate OG images for your blog posts. You can use it in two ways:

  1. For a specific markdown file:

    1php artisan prezet:ogimage

    This will prompts you to enter the name of the markdown file.

  2. For all markdown files:

    1php artisan prezet:ogimage --all

    This generates OG images for all markdown files in your content directory.

Regardless of the method you choose, the command automatically updates the frontmatter of your markdown files with the URL of the generated OG image.

Troubleshooting Tip

If you're generating OG Images in a local environment, make sure to set the `APP_URL` in your `.env` file to your local development URL.

#Customizing the OG Image Template

Prezet allows you to customize the appearance of your OG images by simply editing a package provided Blade template.

#Preview the Template

You can preview the template by navigating to the ogimage route in your browser. The route follows this pattern:


Replace {slug} with the slug of your markdown file. For example here's a link to the ogimage template for this post: '/prezet/ogimage/features/ogimage'.

#Modify the Template

The ogimage template was added to your application as part of the installation process. The blade file is located in resources/views/vendor/prezet/ogimage.blade.php.

You can modify this template to change colors, fonts, layout, or add additional elements like logos or images.

  1. Adding More Data: If you want to include more data from your markdown file in the ogimage, you can modify the OgimageController to pass additional variables to the view, and then use these variables in your ogimage.blade.php template.

Remember, the ogimage should be visually appealing and representative of your content while being readable at small sizes.

For more information about customizing Prezet's views, including the ogimage template, please refer to the documentation at /customize/blade-views.